Commonwealth Scholarship 2023 Apply Online, Registration Form

By | March 6, 2023

Commonwealth Scholarship

Department for International department (DFID) the UK has issued  Commonwealth Scholarship 2023 for those candidates who want to pursue their Master and Doctoral degree studies in Commonwealth countries. All eligible and willing candidates can apply online for Commonwealth Scholarship 2023 Application Form through the link which is mention near the end of this content.

DFID organization in United kingdom is very reputed which provides Scholarship India 2023 registration form for candidates for master’s and Ph.D. programs in the UK. The total funds will be given to all selected aspirants through scholarship by Department for International Development.

 Eligibility Criteria-

  • Candidates must be a  Commonwealth citizen/Refugee or British protected person.
  • Aspirants should be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country.
  • Students must be available to commence their academic studies in the United Kingdom by the start of the UK academic year

Selection Procedure-

Commonwealth  Selection Committee (CSC) will be responsible to select eligible candidates for Commonwealth Scholarship 2023. Applications are measured according to the following selection criteria-

  • Academic merit of the candidate.
  • The quality of the plan of study.
  • The potential impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home country.

Name of Department-Department for International Department UK (DFID).

Number of Scholarships– Approximately 300 scholarships are awarded to selected candidates every year by DFID.

Courses Offered-

  • Master Programs (For One Year Course Only).
  • Ph.D. in all subjects.

Value of Scholarship-

Each scholarship provides the following segments.

  • Airfare.
  • Tuition and Examination Fee.
  • Personal Maintenance Allowances.
  • Initial Arrival Allowances and others.
  • Advised to all willing and eligible students to see last year’s Commonwealth scholarship prospectus for full scholarship details.
  • DFID will provide airfare from candidates home country to the UK and return at the end of an individual award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependents, nor usually the cost of journeys made before your award is finally confirmed).
  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,043 per month, or £1,279 per month for those at Universities in the London Metropolitan area.

How to Apply-

All candidates must apply to study at Masters/ Ph.D. level at any UK University which the CSC has a part funding agreement.

  • Candidates should visit for a list of universities that have already agreed to part fund Commonwealth Scholarships, at
  • Aspirants must apply to one of the following nominating bodies in the first instance. Commonwealth Selection Committee (CSC)  will not accept direct applications for these scholarships.
  •  For a full list of agencies and contact details, visit
  • Candidates can be logging on DFID official website for more information.
  • These are the steps to follow to fill out the form for Commonwealth Scholarship 2023.

Address of Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK-

Woburn House, 20-24 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HF, United Kingdom,

Commonwealth Scholarship Apply Online Here

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